Produced by "UP-UA"Written and directed by Dmytro Hreshko
Release date 2023

Documentary featureUkraineLength 90 MinIn Post Production

This film is the unlikely story of how art thrives in a time of war and a group of Ukrainian refugees who set out to stage a production of “King Lear” after their lives and homes were destroyed around them.

This is a story about trying to make art against the backdrop of unimaginable horrors, and finding purposeand meaning in a time of war. As the cast and crew dive in, the production becomes an unexpected place for them to process recent tragedy as  they adjust to their new reality, all while staging a Shakespearean tragedy.Ultimately, the play becomes a journey to find answers toquestions about art, life, love, and hope


CastKing Lear Oleksiy DashkovskyiClown Ruslana TymofiyCordelia Julia GorelkovaRegana Olena AlyabevaGonerilla Sofia Almaz
CrewProducer Polina HermanDirector | Director of PhotographyDmytro Hreshko

“I am very pleased that you want to support Ukrainian cinema. This is very important for us, because now I personally faced the fact that I turned to many International producers with proposals for partnership and received an answer - ‘that they are already making a film about Ukraine but without Ukrainians’. Therefore, your idea and strategy are excellent for us!” 

Polina Herman | UP-UA | Producer | Ukraine