“Worked On In Ukraine” (WOIUA) is a social impact movement to help support the Ukrainian filmmaking community.
DIM filmhouse is proud to introduce the international Worked on in Ukraine (WoiUA) campaign.
WoiUA is a movement to celebrate and acknowledge film + TV productions that have decided to work on their project with Ukrainian film talents in Ukraine during these trying times. We see it as a badge of honor and support for the incredible film community in Ukraine. Now is when they truly need our help and a fantastic story comes with each WoiUA stork seal.
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“I have been so inspired by Ukrainian stories, Andrii, Danylo and Oleh, a Kyiv foley team, working in a 9 degree studio by candlelight and DIM’s own Yullia, working on a film pitch while sheltering in a Kyiv metro station (with her six year old son)!”
“The WOIUA seal of the stork is for them and the countless others who just want to use their talent to tell stories.”
“We want to spread the message that every filmmaker worldwide can support the Ukrainian film industry and independence by choosing Ukrainian talents. Get the stork logo on your next production!”